“E2MOM x 5 sets 5 Front Squats @ 75-80% + 3 tall box jumps” |
21-15-9 reps for time of: |
5 sets of:
3 front squats + 3 back squats @ 75% of front squat |
21-15-9 reps for time of: |
A1) 4×8 DB or KB Bulgarian Split Squat, rest 1 minute A2) 4×5 weighted or strict pullup, rest 2 minutes |
“10 min AMRAP: 15 pull-ups 250m row |
“EMOM x 10 minutes 2-3 Push Jerks @ 70% |
“20 min AMRAP of: 5 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 10 KBS, 53/35 15 Air Squats |
EMOM x 10 minutes 1-2 Push Jerks, start @ 70% build up to 90-95% |
3 sets
10 KBs @ 70/53 10 back squats 70% of 1 RM of back squat |
“E:90 x 5 sets 1 Deadlift standing on 25# plates @70-75% + 3 – 5 strict HSPU” |
“4 Rounds for time: 12 TTB 20 DB Snatches, 55/35 |
4 sets of 5
Deadlift standing on 25# plates @ 85-90% + 3 – 5 strict HSPU” |
5 sets of 3 @75% 1 RM
Full snatch |
GPP | Strength | |
“E:90 x 6 sets 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk *Start at 70-75% and build to a heavy complex by the last set |
3 x 1k row, rest as needed between sets, after each set, (during rest period) complete 100m Overhead Plate Carry, 45/25 + 25 H.R. Pushups | 5 sets of 8-10
1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk |
E2MOM x 5 sets 5 Back Squats @60-65% + 3-7 pull ups/chest to bar pull ups **modify accordingly** |
15-12-9-12-15 of: Ring Dips Deadlift, 225/135 |
E2MOM x 5 sets 5 Back Squats @ 75-80% + 3-7 bar muscle-ups |
3-4 sets of (superset):
12-15 Bench press + 12-15 Deadlift @ 75% of 1 RM |
E:90 x 6 sets Clean & Jerk – 60/2+1, 70/2+1, 80/1+1, 85/1+1, 90/1+1, 95/1+1 | For time, in the least amount of sets possible: 400m Front Rack Double KB carry, 35/26 400m KB Farmers carry, 35/26 NOTE-Each drop = 5 calorie row penalty at the end, this will be included in final time |
A1) 5 x 5 Shoulder press AHAP, rest 1 minute A2) 5 x 1 Weighted Strict Pullup, rest 1 minute |
18 min AMRAP: 10 OHS, 95/65 12 box jump overs, 24/20 14 TTB |
4-5 sets of 10 (supersets) of:10 strict shoulder press
10 strict pull ups Rest 1:3 ratio |
5 sets of:2 Hang Snatch, 2 OHS + 2 tall box jumps
(65% of 1 RM of snatch) |
E:90 x 10 sets Speed Deadlift 1 rep @ 65% 1 rep @ 70% 1 rep @ 75% |
For max reps: On an 13 min continuous clock: 0:00-3:00 100 DU’s + ME Power Cleans (135/95) with remaining time 3:00-6:00 100 DU’s + ME Squat Cleans (135/95) 6:00-8:00 200m run + ME Power Cleans (115/85) 8:00-10:00 200m run + ME Squat Cleans (115/85) 10:00-13:00 ME WBS, 20/14 |
6 sets Deadlift: set 1 & 2: 5 reps @70%, set 3 & 4: 4 reps @ 75% set 5 & 6: 3 reps @80% | 3 rds of Work for :30 secs on each movement & 1-1:30: ME Tall box jumps + ME Power Cleans (135, 135, 155/115, 95, 75)
3 rds of: ME tall box jumps + ME Squat Cleans (135, 155, 185/115, 95, 75) 200m run + ME Power Cleans (115/85) 3 rds of: 10 cal row + ME Squat Cleans (135, 155, 185/115, 95, 75) 1 round of: 1 min ME WBS, 20/14 |