30 clean and jerks #135/95
1 mile run
10 rope climbs
1 mile run
100 burpees
You have 30 minutes to get as far as you can!
WOD – Strength
Every 2min- 6 sets x 5 reps Back Squats
Find 5RM
WOD- For Time “Helen +++”
400m Run
21 KB Swings (55, 35)
12 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters (135, 95)
Post heaviest set of 5 back squats, and time on workout.
Wild West Throw Down WOD 1: Opener
AMRAP in 7 Mins (one girl and one guy works Simultaneously)
?Buyin: 50M sled Push (Rx’d = 375#/285#, Scaled = 285#/170#)
5 – Overhead Squats (Rx’d = 95#/75#, Scaled = 75#/45#)
10 – KB Swings (Rx’d = 70#/53#, Scaled = 53#/35#)
15 – Double-unders
WOD change for tomorrow
WOD for time
50 sit-ups
50 overhead walking lunges (20/14)
50 wall balls (20/14)
150double unders
The Wild West Throw Down is only days away!!!
Our hours for this week are:
monday- regular hours
tuesday- regular hours
Wednesday- regular hour
Thursday- closed (feel free to come down and help us clean and set up)!
Friday- No classes! Feel free to come down an help set up!
I will be posting at home WODs for those that need a daily challenge!
Saturday- no classes! Come cheer on the competitors!!