There are 5 total 3 minute tests. Rest 3 minutes between each!
Max calorie Row in 3 minutes
(rest 3 minutes)
Max db snatches in 3 minutes
(rest 3 minutes)
Max double unders in 3 minutes
(rest 3 minutes)
Max Shoulder to overhead in 3 minutes (135,95)
(rest 3 minutes)
Max burpees in 3 minutes
6 Rounds for time
8 OH squats (115,85)
10 Toes to bar
12 KB swings (55,35)
Rest three minutes
Strength WOD
5 minute AMRAP of Max strict pullups
Strength WOD
EMOTM- 8 minutes
2 Hang Power Cleans
2 Front Squats
As heavy as possible across all 8 minutes. (Post weight)
3 rounds for time- 5 minutes per round- no rest between rounds
Start every round with a 400 meter run
and with remaining time perform as many reps as possible of
Power cleans (165,115)
Post total cleans
Strength WOD
Back Squats 5×5
2 Rounds for time
10 Alternating Pistols
10 Lateral Box Jumps (24,20)
15 Hand release push ups
15 Chest to bar pull ups
30 meter plate push
30 overhead walking lunges (45,25)
(Post heaviest set of 5 on strength WOD and time on WOD 2)
Skill WOD- 4 Rounds- 2 minutes each- Run 200- max double unders with remainder of time.
WOD- 5 Rounds for time
2 Rope climbs (4 if scaled)
4 squat clean and jerks (185,115)
8 2 for 1 Wall Balls (20,14)
(Post total double unders for WOD 1 and time for WOD 2)
Strength WOD
6 Unbroken Rounds every two minutes
1 push press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk
WOD- 8 Minute AMRAP
12 Shoulder to overhead (135,95)
12 Alternating DB snatches (70,50)
12 Calorie Row
Rest two minutes
4 Minute AMRAP- Max L Sit hold
There will be a TEAM WOD this Saturday morning at 9 am! Be there or be weak!!!
We have several members competing in a CrossFit competition in Amarillo Friday and Saturday!! We want to wish them all the best of luck! Something tells me Andrea will probably issue frequent pictures and updates on the facebook page! Stay tuned!
3 Snatch balances
3 bar muscle ups (Scaled is 5 pullups and 5 HR push ups)
WOD for time
40 Toes to Bar
40 Sandbag slams (50,30)
40 Over head Squats (95,65)
40 Box Jumps (24,20)
(Post weight used for snatch balance and time for WOD)
Come work on form or your goat!! Open gym from 6pm-730