Sore? Thursday’s are open gym! Come and work on mobility, stretching, or that lift you are having trouble with!! 6-7:30 pm
Thank you to all who participated in Murph today! What an amazing turnout! This looks like it will be an annual event!
Strength WOD
Thruster ladder OTM (On The Minute) for 10 min
2 reps *take bar from floor and increasing in weight to find a 2RM
5 rounds for time of
12 Hand Release Pushups
9 Hang Cleans (135, 95)
6/6 Lateral Jumps
Post 2RM and total time
Regional WOD 4!
100 Wall Balls
100 C2B Pull-Ups
100 Pistols (Single Leg squats- alternating)
100 DB Snatches (70,50) (Alternating)
(Scaled down can be less reps, less weight, regular pull-ups)
25 minute time cap (Add one second to the total time for every rep not completed under the time cap)
Thursdays are Open Gym! That means you can come in and stretch out and work on mobility, or work on something that is giving you trouble! Come on down! 6-730
Regional WOD #6
For time:
100 Double Unders
50 Handstand Push ups
40 Toes to bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead (160,120)
90 Ft walking lunges with Barbell in front rack position
You too can see what those athletes went through this week!
“Regionals WOD #5”
For time complete:
Deadlifts (275,185)
Box Jumps (30,24)
12 minute time cap…. At the 12 minute mark you automatically go into WOD #2
WOD #2
60 situps
50 kb swings (55,35)
400 meter run
Come in and work on that one area you need help on! Practice your skills and perfect your form!
So, even if you aren’t doing the Paleo challenge please track your progress over he next 45 days! We can measure you if needed and get before pictures! It will help on those days that you just aren’t sure why you are sweating in a hundred degree gym wondering what you got yourself into…
Cindy (20 minute AMRAP)
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Sure seems like the 4th of July is far away but it will be here before you know it! How about commiting to the Paleo challenge and being Fit by the Fourth! See a trainer at RUK for details!
Run 400 (Post time on board)
“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3- 135 pound power clean
6- Push-ups
9- Squats
Rest one minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cylces. Start every new set of 3 minutes on power cleans. Your score is the round with the highest reps and the cycle with the lowest reps. (Example- 5+1 is best “worst” total is 3+9. Total score is 8+10).